安東尼‧杜爾 Anthony Doerr
「普立茲文學獎」得主安東尼‧杜爾的作品包括短篇小說集《The Shell Collector》和《Memory Wall》、長篇小說《About Grace》、以及回憶錄《Four Seasons in Rome》。除了「普立茲文學獎」之外,他亦榮獲美國以及歐洲各國多項文學殊榮,其中包括四度獲頒「歐亨利小說獎」(O. Henry Prize)、三度獲頒「手推車獎」 (Pushcart Prize)、「羅馬獎」(Rome Prize)、「紐約公共圖書館幼獅文學獎」(New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award)、「國家雜誌小說獎」(National Magazine Award for Fiction)、「古根漢研究基金」(Guggenheim Fellowship)、「短篇小說獎」(Story Prize)。杜爾在克里夫蘭長大,現與太太和兩個兒子住在愛達荷州首府博伊西。
Anthony Doerr has won numerous prizes for his fiction, including the 2015 Pulitzer Prize. His most recent novel, All the Light We Cannot See, was named a best book of 2014 by a number of publications, and was a #1 New York Times Bestseller.