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本書榮獲1992美國紐伯瑞大獎 (The Newbery Medal for Best Children\’s Book)紐伯瑞大獎是由美國圖書館學會(American Library Association - ALA)的分支機構 -- 美國圖書館兒童服務學會(Association for Library Service to Children)於1922年創設的獎項。該獎項是為紀念十八世紀的英國書商,約翰‧紐伯瑞(John Newbery)而設置,得獎者必須是對美國兒童文學有傑出貢獻者,並以美國公民及永久居民為限,自1922年起每年頒發給前一年度最傑出的美國兒童圖書作者。  一隻受虐待的獵犬逃離主人的魔掌,遇見了小男孩Marty,一直想擁有寵物的Marty把牠命名為Shiloh。可是家裡規定不能養寵物,更何況Shiloh是惡人鄰居的獵犬,Marty只好傷心地將Shiloh送還主人,但不堪虐待的Shiloh又跑回來向求助,這也帶給他的家人極大的困擾,Marty該怎麼做才能擁有Shiloh呢?
Marty will do anything to save his new friend Shiloh in this Newbery Medal-winning novel from Phillis Reynolds Naylor. When Marty Preston comes across a young beagle in the hills behind his home, it''s love at first sight--and also big trouble. It turns out the dog, which Marty names Shiloh, belongs to Judd Travers, who drinks too much and has a gun--and abuses his dogs. So when Shiloh runs away from Judd to Marty, Marty just has to hide him and protect him from Judd. But Marty''s secret becomes too big for him to keep to himself, and it exposes his entire family to Judd''s anger. How far will Marty have to go to make Shiloh his?

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor has written more than 135 books, including the Newbery Award-winning Shiloh and its sequels, the Alice series, Roxie and the Hooligans, and Roxie and the Hooligans at Buzzard’s Roost. She lives in Gaithersburg, Maryland. To hear from Phyllis and find out more about Alice, visit Barry Moser has won numerous accolades for his work, including the prestigious National Book Award for Design and Illustration and the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award. He is both an author and an artist, whose illustrations can be seen in books ranging from Voices of Ancient Egypt by Kay Winters to Hummingbird Nest: A Journal of Poems by Kristine O’Connell George. Barry Moser’s work is represented in collections throughout the world, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum, and the Library of Congress. He lives in western Massachusetts.

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