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Junie B. Jones is not a crook /

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一件可怕的事發生在Junie B.身上。有人拿走了Junie B.新買的一雙毛茸茸的手套並且佔為己有!撿到手套的人沒有將它送到學校的失物招領處。而當Junie B.撿到一支很棒的筆時,她也可以把它留下來,不是嗎?這樣才公平嗎!這麼做到底是正確還是錯誤呢?
"Hilarious. Barbara Park makes reading fun." --Dav Pilkey, author of Dog ManBarbara Park''s #1 New York Times bestselling chapter book series, Junie B. Jones, has been keeping kids laughing--and reading--for more than twenty-five years. Over 65 million copies sold Meet the World''s Funniest Kindergartner--Junie B. Jones A terrible thing happened to Junie B. And it''s called--someone took her new black furry mittens And they kept them They didn''t even put them in the Lost and Found at school. So when Junie B. finds a wonderful pen on the floor, she should be allowed to keep it, too. Right? That''s fair. Right? Right?USA Today "Junie B. is the darling of the young-reader set."Publishers Weekly "Park convinces beginning readers that Junie B.--and reading--are lots of fun." Kirkus Reviews "Junie''s swarms of young fans will continue to delight in her unique take on the world. . . . A hilarious, first-rate read-aloud." Time "Junie B. Jones is a feisty six-year-old with an endearing penchant for honesty."

BARBARA PARK (1947-2013) is beloved by millions as the author of the wildly popular Junie B. Jones series. She is also the author of award-winning middle-grade novels and picture books, including Skinnybones and Mick Harte Was Here. We are thankful for the laughter she’s given us and to millions of children.

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