Living Sunlight shows children, teachers, and parents the remarkable magic of what makes us human.This informative yet dramatic book will mesmerize readers and help further a child's understanding of the energy we share with all living things in nature. We are all dancing sunlight. The book is co-authored by award-winning M.I.T. professor Penny Chisholm, a leading expert on ocean science. A perfect addition to any library
Molly Bang has written and illustrated more than twenty books for young readers, including When Sophie Gets Angry -- Really, Really Angry... ; Ten, Nine, Eight; and The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher, each of which were Caldecott Honor books. Bang divides her time between Falmouth, Massachusetts, and Northern California.Penny Chisholm is a professor at M.I.T., where she has been teaching Ecology for more than thirty-five years. Her long list of prestigious awards includes the National Medal of Science, awarded at the White House in 2013.