One hot simmer day Wemberly finds that patience -- just like a frosty treat -- will go a long way. ???en_US.webpac.bookDescSource???:博客來網路書店
慢吞吞英雄會想辦法的球球 /
油桐花.五月雪 /
來到漁玩 : 漁港的日常 /
漁村尋寶之旅 : 臺灣漁村繪本 /
SOS探險隊 : 拯救珊瑚大作戰 /
SOS探險隊 : 珊瑚大挑戰 /
小金魚逃走了 /
樹爺爺與動物好朋友 /
阿尼,該睡覺了! /
我數到3! /
Bear's scare /
Sheila Rae's peppe ...
Lilly's chocolate ...
Julius's candy cor ...
Kipper's monster /
Kipper's New Pet /
Kipper's Little Fr ...
Hide Me, Kipper! /
Kipper's Snowy Day ...
One Year with Kipp ...
Kipper's Beach Bal ...
Kipper's Birthday ...
Oxford first dictionary [Classroom Set DC-02] /
1000 useful words /
I am going! /
What is chasing Duck? /
Fox forgets /
How do dinosaurs go to school? /
Toy to toy /
Hi-ho, Tiny /
Grumpy Monkey up all night /
Oh, cats! /
See me run /
Look! I can read! /
Little elephant listens /
Tiny goes to the library /
This book just ate my dog! /
Children make terrible pets /
Ping wants to play /
My friend is sad /
I will try /
Party pigs! /