喜歡狗兒的大小朋友,一定會喜歡這本情節簡單,但萬象繽紛,猶如萬花筒般的“Go, Dog. Go”。本書為您展開了一個充滿狗兒的小宇宙:您想像得到的,各種顏色、各種大小、有著各種癖好的狗狗、開著快車的狗狗……都在其中。在「百狗爭鳴」之中,您注意到了嗎?在一隻粗枝大葉的黃色狗兒,和一隻帽子造型十分時尚的小粉紅貴賓之間,似乎有朵小小的戀情正含苞待放呢!由狗兒們領銜主演的一段「愛與冒險的故事」,會有什麼結局呢?跟著狗兒們瀟灑的車隊,一起挑戰巨無霸大樹攻頂,在樹梢頭開派對吧!
作者P. D. Eastman細心地採用單音節的單字,以重複且押韻的文字形式,結合純色調插畫表現,使本書深具音韻及色彩之美──正如一雙兼具美感與機能的學步小鞋,獻給正要踏上閱讀之路的小小讀者。這份用心,也正是這本1961年出版迄今的童書,歷經數個世代,受人鍾愛程度始終不曾稍減的緣由。
Reading goes to the dogs in this timeless Beginner Book edited by Dr. Seuss. From big dogs and little dogs to red, green, and blue dogs, dogs going up and dogs going fast . . . who knew dogs were so busy? And laughter will ensue at the repeated question "Do you like my hat?" Like P. D. Eastman''s classic Are You My Mother?Go, Dog. Go has been a go-to favorite for over fifty years, leaving audiences of all breeds wagging their tails with delight. Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning. "The canine cartoons make an elementary text funny and coherent and still one of the best around."--School Library Journal.
A protege of Dr. Seuss, P. D. EASTMAN wrote and/or illustrated many books for children, among them the Beginner Books Go, Dog. Go!, The Best Nest, Sam and the Firefly, A Fish Out of Water, Robert the Rose Horse, Big Dog...Little Dog, and Are You My Mother?