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WHOOOOOEEEEE THAT PAUL Bunyan sure knows how to tell a story. The mammouth, mythic lumberjack tells the tallest tales about growing up, making friends, and working in the great North Woods as the biggest, best, and strongest lumberjack the world has ever seen. Told in simple, unaffected first-person narrative, this Step 3 reader is the perfect way to introduce young readers to tall tales.

David Harrison has written over 70 books for children and adults, including the Steping into Reading titles Wake Up, Sun!, Johnny Appleseed: My Story, and Miss Grubb, Super Sub. He lives in Springfield, Missouri. John Kanzler has been illustrating children’s books for over 15 years. He and his wife, Diane, a children’s book designer, live on a farm with several sheep, llama, and cats. He lives in Greenfield, Massachusetts.

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