故事開始前,我要你先想像自己正坐在黑暗中,彷彿等待著電影開場。銀幕上,太陽即將升起,鏡頭會把你帶到位在城市中央的那座火車站。你走進車站大門,進入擁擠的大廳。接著,你會在人群中看到一個男孩,他正打算穿越車站。跟著他,因為他就是雨果‧卡柏瑞。這個男孩的腦子裡裝滿了祕密,他的故事即將展開。──H. 阿寇佛瑞斯巴教授
布萊恩.賽茲尼克(Brian Selznick)
賽茲尼克曾以《霍金斯的恐龍》(The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins)榮獲二○○二年美國凱迪克銀牌獎(The Caldecott Honor),以《惠特曼:寫給美國的詩句》(Walt Whitman: Words for America)榮獲紐約時報(The New York Times)最佳插畫獎,這兩本書的作者均為芭芭拉‧凱利(Babara Kerley);他與潘.幕諾茲.萊恩(Pam Mu?oz Ryan)合作的《瑪麗亞在唱歌》(When Marian Sang)獲頒希伯特銀牌獎(The Sibert Honor);除此之外,賽茲尼克所創作的諸多知名繪本與小說,更是獲獎無數。
談及本書的創作靈感來源時,賽茲尼克說:「數年前,我讀了蓋比‧伍(Gaby Wood)的《艾迪生的夏娃:探求機械生命的魔術史》(Edison’s Eve:A Magical History of the Quest for Mechanical Life),因此得知許多機械發條玩偶(也就是所謂的機器人)收藏品的真實故事;原物主將這些機器人捐贈給巴黎的一座博物館,它們被擱置在潮溼的閣樓裡,最終難逃被丟棄的命運。我想像有個男孩發現了那些損毀、生鏽的機器,就在那一刻,雨果和他的故事誕生了。」
2008 Caldecott Medal winnerThe groundbreaking debut novel from bookmaking pioneer, Brian Selznick Orphan, clock keeper, and thief, Hugo lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station, where his survival depends on secrets and anonymity. But when his world suddenly interlocks--like the gears of the clocks he keeps--with an eccentric, bookish girl and a bitter old man who runs a toy booth in the station, Hugo''s undercover life and his most precious secret are put in jeopardy. A cryptic drawing, a treasured notebook, a stolen key, a mechanical man, and a hidden message from Hugo''s dead father form the backbone of this intricate, tender, and spellbinding mystery.With 284 pages of original drawings and combining elements of picture book, graphic novel, and film, Brian Selznick breaks open the novel form to create an entirely new reading experience. Here is a stunning cinematic tour de force from a boldly innovative storyteller and artist.