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World War II has just been won, and everything seems possible to young Keely Connor. She sees herself as a hero on a white charger, able to conquer the world, even though in reality her charger is Lola, the placid horse that lives in the field behind her house. One fateful summer day her brother Patrick is stricken with polio. Here is an enemy Keely cannot conquer. With all the will in the world, she cannot pass on to Patrick her zest or her energy or her own good health. Keely's battle to save Patrick has become one of the classics of Canadian children's literature and, in translations, around the world. This beautifully redesigned edition will capture the hearts of a whole new generation of readers.

Julie Johnston received the Governor General’s Award for these her first two books. Her third novel, The Only Outcast, was short-listed for the Governor General’s Award, as was her most recent book, In Spite of Killer Bees. Julie Johnston lives in Peterborough, Ontario.

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