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文學經典變身闖關密碼, 唯有勇於冒險的愛書人才能贏得勝利!






  ★ 經典文學結合推理解謎,讀者在伴隨主角解開謎題的過程中,一邊訓練邏輯思考能力,一邊拓展文學視野,認識當代文學大師。
  ★ 從故事背景,到裡面的密碼線索都和「書」息息相關,各種有趣的內容肯定會令愛書人愛不釋手。

  ★ 亞馬遜網路書店讀者完美五星好評;亞馬遜網路書店、青少年圖書館協會、美國書商協會等重量級書評媒體年度選書。


  亞馬遜網路書店年度選書(Amazon Best Book of the Year)
  美國書商協會Indie Next List選書(Indie Next List Pick)
  《出版者週刊》最佳夏日讀物(PW Best Book for Summer)
  青少年圖書館協會選書(Junior Library Guild selection, 2015)
  青少年部落客文學獎少年小說決選(2015 Cybils Middle Grade Fiction Finalist)
  美國英文教師委員會語言藝術童書選書(NCTE Notable Children's Book in the Language Arts)
  紐約河濱街教育學院年度最佳童書(Bank Street College Best Book of the Year)
  亞馬遜網路書店當月最佳好書( Best Book of the Month)
  德州「點燈人獎」提名(Texas Lamplighter Award Nominee)
  賓州青少年讀者票選獎入圍(Pennsylvania Young Readers Choice Award Nominee)
  喬治亞州兒童圖書獎決選(Georgia Children's Book Award Finalist)
  科羅拉多州圖書獎決選(Colorado Book Award Finalist)
  馬里蘭州黑眼蘇珊圖書獎入圍(Maryland Black Eyed Susan Award Nominee)
  猶他州教育圖書館媒體協會選書(Utah Educational Library Media Association Master List Selection)
  《舊金山紀事報》夏日推薦書單(SF Gate Summer Reads Recommendation)








A New York Times bestseller
For twelve-year-old Emily, the best thing about moving to San Francisco is that it's the home city of her literary idol: Garrison Griswold, book publisher and creator of the online sensation Book Scavenger (a game where books are hidden in cities all over the country and clues to find them are revealed through puzzles). Upon her arrival, however, Emily learns that Griswold has been attacked and is now in a coma, and no one knows anything about the epic new game he had been poised to launch. Then Emily and her new friend James discover an odd book, which they come to believe is from Griswold himself, and might contain the only copy of his mysterious new game.
Racing against time, Emily and James rush from clue to clue, desperate to figure out the secret at the heart of Griswold's new game--before those who attacked Griswold come after them too.
The paperback edition of Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman features a gorgeous, brightened cover and an interview with the author. This title has Common Core connections.
"Full of heart and replete with challenging ciphers for readers to decode, Bertman's debut is literary cousin to classic puzzlers like The Westing Game." --Publishers Weekly, starred review
"Fans of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library will appreciate the abundant literary allusions, and readers will hope for more adventures." --Shelf Awareness, starred review
An Amazon Best Book of the Year An Indie Next List Pick A PW Best Book for Summer A Bank Street College Best Book of the Year An Best Book of the Month A Texas Lamplighter Award Nominee A Pennsylvania Young Readers Choice Award Nominee A Georgia Children's Book Award Finalist

Jennifer Chambliss Bertman was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. She holds an MFA in creative writing and has worked for literary agencies, magazines, educational publishers, and as a freelance copyeditor and proofreader. Book Scavenger is her debut novel.

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