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  Cassie Romano出生的那天,她父母原先所居住的城市在市長按下按鈕後,便有大約五千座泳池的水量將其淹沒,成為一座人工湖。十二年後,Cassie覺得這個湖有蹊蹺,底部似乎埋藏著什麼不可告人的事情。所有的相關報導都在粉飾太平,一味地強調新城的美好,全面封殺湖底舊城的過去。她的同學Liam也有同感,便每天陪她一起前往湖中的禁區。
Secrets have a way of floating to the surface. . . . Mystery, compelling characters, and an abandoned town beneath a lake make for a must-read adventure.On the day Cassie was born, they drowned her town. The mayor flipped a lever and everyone cheered as Old Lower Grange was submerged beneath five thousand swimming pools'' worth of water. Now, twelve years later, Cassie feels drawn to the manmade lake and the mysteries it hides -- and she''s not the only one. Her classmate Liam, who wears oversized swim trunks to cover the scars on his legs, joins Cassie in her daily swims across the off-limits side of the lake. As the summer heats up, the water drops lower and lower, offering them glimpses of the ghostly town and uncovering secrets one prominent town figure seems anxious to keep submerged. But like a swimmer who ventures too far from shore, Cassie realizes she can''t turn back. Can she bring their suspicions to light before it''s too late -- and does she dare?

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