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Celebrating 15 years of Flipped--a classic he-said-she-said romantic comedy This updated anniversary edition offers story-behind-the-story revelations from author Wendelin Van Draanen.

The first time she saw him, she flipped. The first time he saw her, he ran. That was the second grade, but not much has changed by the seventh. Juli says: "My Bryce. Still walking around with my first kiss." He says: "It's been six years of strategic avoidance and social discomfort." But in the eighth grade everything gets turned upside down: just as Bryce is thinking that there's maybe more to Juli than meets the eye, she's thinking that he's not quite all he seemed.
This is a classic romantic comedy of errors told in alternating chapters by two fresh, funny voices.
The updated anniversary edition contains 32 pages of extra backmatter: essays from Wendelin Van Draanen on her sources of inspiration, on the making of the movie of Flipped, on why she'll never write a sequel, and a selection of the amazing fan mail she's received.

Awards and accolades for Flipped:
SLJ Top 100 Children's Novels of all time IRA-CBC Children's Choice IRA Teacher's Choice Honor winner, Judy Lopez Memorial Award/WNBA Winner of the California Young Reader Medal
"We flipped over this fantastic book, its gutsy girl Juli and its wise, wonderful ending." -- The Chicago Tribune
"Van Draanen has another winner in this eighth-grade 'he-said, she-said' romance. A fast, funny, egg-cellent winner." -- SLJ, Starred review
"With a charismatic leading lady kids will flip over, a compelling dynamic between the two narrators and a resonant ending, this novel is a great deal larger than the sum of its parts." --Publishers Weekly, Starred review


溫德琳.凡卓南(Wendelin Van Draanen)

  出生於1965年的芝加哥,是美國相 當受歡迎的青少年小說作家。溫德琳先是在高中任教,許多年才轉以寫作為正職。她所寫的《也許是愛》(Flipped),於2001年在美國出版,是一本膾 炙人口的青春小說,問世至今十餘年來已擄獲無數讀者的心,不僅名列各大暢銷書榜,被改成電視劇,亦曾在2011年被名導演勞勃.萊納(Rob Reiner)搬上大銀幕,觸動許多觀眾,引發令人回味無窮的青春效應。

  WENDELIN VAN DRAANEN was a classroom teacher for many years before becoming a full time writer. Her books include the Sammy Keyes mystery series, the Shredderman quartet, and the Gecko and Sticky quartet, as well as stand-out stand-alone titles: Swear to Howdy, Runaway, Confessions of a Serial Kisser, The Running Dream, and The Secret Life of Lincoln Jones.You can learn more about her at or on Twitter @WendelinVanD.

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