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Dance your way to the magical world of Enchantia in the delightful fourth series of Magic Ballerina by Darcey Bussell A mysterious package arrives for Jade - it's a pair of red ballet shoes. Jade's curious, so she heads to Madame Za-Za's ballet school... and is suddenly whisked away to the magical world of Enchantia King Rat wants to build a fun fair in the Enchanted Wood and throw out all the people who live there. Can Jade protect them from his evil plans?A delightful new Magic Ballerina story from Prima Ballerina and guest judge on Strictly Come Dancing, Darcey Bussell.

Darcey Bussell joined the Royal Ballet School when she was 13 and, despite starting later than most of the other students, became a Principal of the Royal Ballet at just 19, at the time the youngest ballerina ever to be given this honour. Darcey received both the OBE and CBE awards during her time with the Royal Ballet, and since officially retiring in 2007 she has teamed up with Katherine Jenkins in the phenomenally successful ’Viva la Diva’. In 2012 she joined the judging panel of the BBC’s ’Strictly Come Dancing’. She is married with two daughters.

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