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暢銷科幻小說家、《星艦迷航記》作者Peter David又一好評鉅著!廣袤無垠的宇宙中,由父子親情交織而成的傳奇史詩!由威爾史密斯父子領銜主演,《地球過後》電影原著小說
  約一千年前,地球因為環境的巨變而不宜人居,所有倖存者皆被安排遷居到遙遠的諾瓦星球上。在這些移民者中,Raige家族數代以來都在為了保護人類盡心盡力,從協助移民到抵擋外星勢力的攻擊,直到這一代的Cypher Raige將軍也依然未見鬆懈。
Experience the vast tapestry of After Earth in a novelization unlike any other: a thousand-year saga featuring original content from the mind of Peter David, the veteran sci-fi author who helped develop the richly imagined universe. This is the complete, never-before-seen chronicle of the extraordinary family that's been across the universe and back--from humanity's last days on Earth through the events of the epic film
General Cypher Raige of the United Ranger Corps is only the latest in a long line of heroes. For a thousand years, ever since the globe was engulfed by environmental apocalypse, the Raiges have been instrumental in humanity's survival. They led the way as the survivors abandoned Earth, settled an uninhabitable planet called Nova Prime, withstood an onslaught from a mysterious alien force, and carved out a new home in the farthest reaches of the galaxy.
Now Cypher has returned to his family after an extended tour of duty. For his thirteen-year-old son, Kitai, tagging along with his famous father is the adventure of a lifetime--and a chance to salvage their relationship. But when an asteroid collides with their craft, they make a crash landing that leaves Cypher seriously--perhaps fatally--wounded.
Kitai Raige has always wanted to prove that he has what it takes to live up to his illustrious name. Now, all too soon, he gets his chance. With his father's life on the line, Kitai must venture out into the strange, hostile terrain of a new world that seems eerily familiar: Earth.

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