The international bestseller that inspired a major Nova special and sparked a new understanding of the universe, now with a new preface and epilogue. ???en_US.webpac.bookDescSource???:三民網路書店
What do we know ab ...
Until the end of t ...
The world accordin ...
50 physics ideas y ...
American Prometheu ...
Electric universe ...
E=mc2 : a biograph ...
The biggest ideas ...
30-second physics ...
Radioactive! : how ...
Storm in a teacup ...
The elegant univer ...
Physics [Standard ...
Physics [Higher Le ...
Existential physic ...
The Lightning Tame ...
The principia : ma ...
Ranking task exerc ...
Fantastic numbers ...
Pop! Air and Water ...
Vroom! : speed and ...
The road to realit ...
The world according to physics /
College physics
The road to reality : a complete guide to the laws of the universe /
A brief history of time /
The principia : mathematical principles of natural philosophy : the authoritative translation and guide /
Perfect phrases for letters of recommendation : hundreds of ready-to-use phrases you can use to recommend applicants to college, grad school, and professional school /
Volcano & earthquake /
Teach like a champion 3.0 : 63 techniques that put students on the path to college /
QED : the strange theory of light and matter /
The double helix : a personal account of the discovery of the structure of DNA /
Periodic tales : a cultural history of the elements, from arsenic to zinc /
How to create and use rubrics for formative assessment and grading /
A handbook for developing & using proficiency scales in the classroom/
The elegant universe : superstrings, hidden dimensions, and the quest for the ultimate theory /
College physics for the AP physics 1 course /
The logic of scientific discovery /
Conceptual physics /
Formative assessment & standards-based grading /
Physics : standard level : developed specifically for the IB diploma /
The origin of species /