PUBLISHED IN 40 COUNTRIES, with over 5 million copies in print in North America alone, Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy -The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass - has graced the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Book Sense, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. For these deluxe editions, Philip Pullman has created new material: papers of Colonel John Parry for the 10-year anniversary of The Subtle Knife (15 new pages), and letters of Mary Malone from secret Magisterium files for The Amber Spyglass (10 new pages). In each book, the new material has been illustrated and handlettered by renowned artist Ian Beck and will be included in the backmatter. Each deluxe edition also features a ribbon bookmark, rough-edged pages, and Pullman’s own chapter-opening spot art. These two volumes join the 2006 deluxe edition of The Golden Compass to form a gorgeous collectible set of the trilogy - a perfect gift for loyal Pullman readers and new fans alike. The Golden Compass debuts as a New Line major motion picture starring Nicole Kidman in December 2007. 有兩股巨大的力量,從時間之初就開始作戰。一股力量希望人類聰明睿智;另一股力量則希望人類謙卑順從。最激烈的對戰即將爆發──兩方都需要「奧祕匕首」。 喜喀則的奧祕匕首,有人稱之為「最後的匕首」,或「伊瑟艾特」。那是一把可以切斷萬物的匕首,不管是人、物、幽靈、天使、時空,對奧祕匕首而言,沒有摧毀不了的東西。持有匕首的匕首人,即將成為影響未來的關鍵。 萊拉穿越了北極光,來到新的世界喜喀則。她遇見身懷祕密的亡命男孩威爾,兩人面臨更為奇異戰慄的情勢:幽靈盤據的死城、奧祕匕首強大的力量、「塵」的性質、天使現身、多方勢力的爾虞我詐……真相逐一浮現,卻更為混亂。萊拉和威爾的使命究竟為何?他們的冒險有什麼意義? 《奧祕匕首》為「黑暗元素三部曲」第二部。「黑暗元素」全書的創作靈感來自17世紀英國詩人彌爾頓的經典詩作《失樂園》,藉由兒童的眼光探討人類文明最具爭議的主題之一:宗教信仰。格局宏大,層次繁複,童心與陰謀交織對映,熱鬧趣味中流露詭譎陰暗面,無疑是當代奇幻經典。
Philip Pullman has won many distinguished prizes, including the Carnegie Medal for The Golden Compass (and the reader-voted "Carnegie of Carnegies" for the best children's book of the past seventy years); the Whitbread (now Costa) Book of the Year Award for The Amber Spyglass; a Booker Prize long-list nomination (The Amber Spyglass); the Guardian Prize for Children's Fiction (The Golden Compass); and the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, in honor of his body of work. In 2004, he was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire.Philip Pullman is the author of many books for young readers, including two volumes related to the His Dark Materials trilogy: Lyra's Oxford and Once Upon a Time in the North. Visit and