誰是Geronimo Stilton?他才華洋溢,是「老鼠日報」的發行人。但他真正熱愛的是寫冒險小說。在他居住的老鼠島上,他的書總是長年高踞在熱騰騰的暢銷排行榜上。Geronimo的妹妹Thea,無意間發現一張神祕藏寶圖,也展開了本系列第一個故事”Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye”。奪寶的過程絕對不輕鬆,而在Geronimo來得及抗議以前,Thea硬是把他拖進這趟尋寶冒險的渾水!已經沒有時間了,跟著Geronimo一起出航,展開永生難忘的冒險!
GERONIMO STILTON is the publisher of The Rodent's Gazette, Mouse Island's most famouse newspaper. In his spare time, Mr. Stilton enjoys collecting antique cheese rinds, playing golf, and telling stories to his nephew Benjamin. He lives in New Mouse City, Mouse Island. Visit Geronimo online at www.scholastic.com/geronimostilton.