Seriously spellbinding. An invaluable resource for beginners and adepts alike, this best-selling and frequently recommended book on Wiccan magick and witchcraft has been updated and revised, now featuring a Year-and-a-Day calendar for the solitaire who is beginning to explore Wicca on his or her own. A Loads of new spells A New for this editionA-a Year-and-a-Day calendar A Expanded information on creating a personal grimoire and book of ShadowsA-the witchA's spell manual and A"bibleA"
Denise Zimmerman is a practicing witch and the co-owner of a Wiccan store in Baltimore, Maryland. She has been featured on the front page of the Baltimore Sun?s Lifestyles section as well as other periodicals. She teaches courses on Wicca and other esoteric arts. Katherine Gleason is a freelance writer.