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  George Orwell's chilling fable of Soviet Russia's brutal dictatorship, Animal Farm brings to life in lucid, uncomplicated language the disastrous project of Russian Communism. This Penguin Modern classics edition includes an introduction by Malcolm Bradbury

  'All animals are equal - but some are more equal than others'

  When the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrow their master Mr Jones and take over the farm themselves, they imagine it is the beginning of a life of freedom and equality. But gradually a cunning, ruthless élite among them, masterminded by the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, starts to take control. Soon the other animals discover that they are not all as equal as they thought, and find themselves hopelessly ensnared as one form of tyranny is replaced with another.

  'It is the history of a revolution that went wrong - and of the excellent excuses that were forthcoming at every step for the perversion of the original doctrine,' wrote Orwell for the first edition of Animal Farm in 1945. Orwell wrote the novel at the end of 1943, but it almost remained unpublished; its savage attack on Stalin, at that time Britain's ally, led to the book being refused by publisher after publisher. Orwell's simple, tragic fable has since become a world-famous classic.

喬治‧歐威爾(George Orwell, 1903-1950)

  喬治・歐威爾是艾瑞克・亞瑟・布雷爾的 筆名,一九〇三年生於殖民時代的印度。在英格蘭就讀寄宿學校,並且在校內第一次察覺到毒害英國社會的商人階級歧視,從而發展出對權力使用與誤用的初步敏感 性。一九二一年從伊頓公學畢業後,歐威爾簽約加入緬印皇家警察,他後來對此評論道:「要痛恨帝國主義,你就得先成為其中一員。」他在緬甸度過的時光對他影 響深遠,五年後他不做任何解釋就辭了職,宣布他要成為一位作家。

  這位發現自己幾乎身無分文、開始以洗碗工為生的年輕作家,在他出版的 第一本著作《巴黎倫敦流浪記》(1933)裡,憑第一手經驗探究貧窮的主題;很快跟著出版的是《緬甸時光》(1934),這本書回顧他在皇家警察工作的時 期。他對於個人嘗試超脫自身社會角色而陷入的困境感興趣,這種興趣雖然表現在像是《讓葉蘭飛舞》(1936)這樣的早期喜劇小說中,但一直到他在《往威根 碼頭之路》中慷慨激昂地陳述英國工人的苦況之後,他新的政治意識才徹底開花結果。大約在此時,他跟他的新婚妻子在西班牙內戰爆發時加入反法西斯的民兵團 中,他的《向加泰隆尼亞致敬》(1938)。雖然他最廣為人知的或許是他精彩的諷刺作品《動物農莊》(1945)與他的經典反烏托邦小說《一九八四》 (1949),但他先前推出的散文集,像是《鯨腹之中》(1940)則反映出他持續地關注他所處時代非常真實的政治與社會處境。


   Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), better known by his pen-name, George Orwell, was born in India, where his father worked for the Civil Service. An author and journalist, Orwell was one of the most prominent and influential figures in twentieth-century literature. His unique political allegory Animal Farm was published in 1945, and it was this novel, together with the dystopia of Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), which brought him world-wide fame. All his novels and non-fiction, including Burmese Days (1934), Down and Out in Paris and London (1933), The Road to Wigan Pier (1937) and Homage to Catalonia (1938) are published in Penguin Modern Classics

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