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What do you wear to Paris? Ami and I discussed it for hours but I still couldn't think of anything suitable. Ami said a trench coat with nothing underneath but your best underwear. That was only if some boy was meeting you at the airport, I said. Eighteen-year-old Lisette has just arrived from Australia to Paris (France!)—the city of haute couture and all things stylish—to practice her French and see great works of art. Her clairvoyant landlady Madame Christophe forces her to attend language lessons with a bunch of international students, but soon Lise discovers she's more interested in studying boys than art or verbs. When the undeniably hot Anders jogs into her life, it feels too good to be true. Things get even more complicated when she is pursued by Hugo, a charming English antiques dealer. Can she take a chance and follow her own dreams? How far into the future can Madame Christophe see? And could Lise really be falling in love—in Paris?

Catherine Bateson is the author of Being Bee and Stranded in Boringsville. She has twice won the CBCA Book of the Year for Younger Readers, and been awarded the Queensland Premier's Award, Younger Readers.

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