A young girl recounts the story of her parents’ courtship as her father, an American sailor stationed in Yokohama, and her mother, a Japanese girl, overcome the problems of different cultures ???en_US.webpac.bookDescSource???:博客來網路書店
Hot air : the (mos ...
Harris finds his f ...
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Humpty Dumpty clim ...
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How I learned geog ...
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Hap-pea all year! ...
A homemade togethe ...
Henry in love /
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The story of pizza /
Nana's herb garden /
What careers interest you ? /
Science and children (停刊)
1000 useful words /
National Geographic Kids
Time for kids ( Edition 3-4 )
Romeo and Juliet: / Shakespeare made easy
Focus on grammar 1
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I spy : a book of picture riddles /
Scott Foresman Reading street common core [Student Edition ] Grade 3.2 /
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美國尋寶記 /
If you give a dog a donut /
Richard Scarry's Busiest people ever /
Time for kids ( Edition 2 )
Captain Underpants and the revolting revenge of the radioactive robo-boxers /
科學柯南新聞直播室(2) : 5G通訊/
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