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You will surely not die : Adam and Eve journey to Virginia /

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What if Adam and Eve were not actually condemned to die after eating the forbidden fruit? What if it was only their descendants who would be cursed, while the original sinners retained their immortality? What if they were alive to see how the consequences of their selfishness impacted dozens of generations up until today?Those questions form the premise of this charming speculative novel for teens. If these things were true, then Adam and Eve would still be alive in our present time. They would have lived through all of human history up to this point. But how would that knowledge and experience influence any adventures with which they become entangled?

Beth Woods, M.S. Ed., is a wife, mother of two, and math-teaching, scuba-diving, Bible-believing Christian from Virginia who loves writing and traveling. A Virginia Tech and Longwood University alumni, Woods has been in the public school classroom setting for more than 30 years. She has taught students from grades four through 12 a wide range of various skills, such as how to drive, walk on a balance beam, compose a short story, find the missing angle of a polygon, and figure out the probability of an unknown author getting published; however, the one thing she really wanted to teach those precious students, she couldn't. Following the example she learned as a kid at Kanakuk Kamp, she searched for a way to make learning about living for Christ fun. She has attempted to do just that in her teen novel, You Will Surely Not Die.

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