Arcadia Greentree confronts her past - and her future. In Book 1, sixteen-year-old Arcadia discovered she was adopted and that her development had been shaped and monitored by her "parents" together with the headmaster of her school. The discovery resulted in a tragedy as her father was murdered and her mother put in a coma. In Book 2, Arcadia tries to locate the "professor" whom she believes to be ultimately responsible for her situation. A series of bomb threats lead her to Oxford University and a confrontation with her enemy - but all is not as it seems. The pieces of Arcadia's life are slowly falling into place when her estranged sister returns to scatter them once more. Arcadia now must choose whether to trust her nemesis as they uncover the dark secret of their birth.
Simon Chesterman is a Professor and Dean of the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law. An Australian Rhodes Scholar, he met his wife, a Singaporean Rhodes Scholar, at Oxford before moving to New York for six years, three of which were spent teaching at New York University. Since 2006 he has lived and worked in Singapore. He is the author or editor of 18 books including One Nation Under Surveillance, You, The People, and Just War or Just Peace?