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A PERFECT PLAN FOR THE PERFECT SCOREScore-Raising Features Include: - 3 full-length practice exams - Hundreds of practice exercises with thorough answer explanations- Comprehensive overview of the AP Computer Science Principles exam format - Practice questions that reflect both multiple choice and free-response question types, just like the ones you will see on test day- Proven strategies specific to each section of the test The 5-Step Plan: Step 1: Set up your study plan with three model schedulesStep 2: Determine your readiness with an AP-style Diagnostic ExamStep 3: Develop the strategies that will give you the edge on test dayStep 4: Review the terms and concepts you need to achieve your highest scoreStep 5: Build your confidence with full-length practice exams

Julie Schacht Sway serves as the Technology Department Chair and Education Technology and Innovation Director at a 3K-12 independent school, and serves as an AP reader for Computer Science Principles. She teaches AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A, and other programming classes to high school students.

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