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Peterson's four-year colleges 2019.

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Peterson's Four-Year Colleges 2019 includes information on every accredited four-year undergraduate institution in the United States and Canada (and many international schools)-more than 2,700 institutions in all. It also includes detailed two-page school descriptions written by admissions personnel for over 175 colleges and universities. College-bound students and their parents can access details including campus setting, enrollment, academic programs, entrance difficulty, expenses, student-faculty ratio, application deadlines, and contact information, as well as the most frequently chosen baccalaureate fields of study. Informative and easy-to-read profiles for more than 2,700 institutions-listed alphabetically by state (and followed by other countries), with facts and figures on campus setting, enrollment, academic programs, entrance difficulty, expenses, student-faculty ratio, costs, financial aid, application deadlines, and contact information Over 175 two-page in-depth descriptions written by college administrators that offer additional information on academic programs and majors, campus life and activities, academic and campus facilities, study-abroad opportunities, admission requirements, and much moreSpecial section called "The Advice Center" provides insider info on specialized college options-Honors Programs and Colleges, Online Learning, Women's Colleges, Public vs. Private.Helpful articles on surviving standardized tests, preparing to get into college, the "Early Decision" dilemma, paying for college, scholarship guidance, advice for international students applying to U.S. colleges and universities, and more

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