一大清早Rogers太太請Amelia Bedelia準備麥片粥和咖啡當早餐,糊塗的Amelia又把麥片粥和咖啡攪拌在一起(have cereal with my coffee),氣得Rogers太太當場把她開除了。Amelia一路走到鎮上找其他工作,可是又不自覺地搞出一堆笑料。在美容院用別針把客人的頭髮別起來(have her hair pinned up把頭髮夾起來)、在服飾店把洋裝都給剪壞了(shorten these dresses把洋裝改短)、在辦公室把信件放在地上踩(stamp the letters信件貼郵票)、用剉刀剉文件(file the papers文件歸檔)、在診所把病人提起來(bring in the patient帶病人進來)。最後Amelia突然想起,回Rogers家擠泡芙的巧克力奶油時,好心的Rogers太太不但向Amelia道歉,更把她留下來,結束了Amelia Bedelia流浪記。
Amelia Bedelia must look for a new job -- Mrs. Rogers has finally had enough. But for poor Amelia Bedelia, each new job is a bigger mess than the last. Can she ever find a place to belong?