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The Brothers of Baker Street : a mystery /

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"A delightful romp...The last third of the novel is one of the finest, scariest sequences in current crime fiction... For anglophiles, crime-o-philes, and all fans of wonderful writing." --Booklist (starred) When brothers Reggie and Nigel Heath choose 221B Baker Street as the location for their law office, they don’t realize that their new office space comes with one huge stipulation; namely, they must answer the letters sent to Sherlock Holmes, the most famous resident of that address. While Reggie is working on a new case involving one of London’s Black Cab drivers, the letters to Sherlock Holmes are piling up. There's even one from someone who claims to be the descendent of Professor James Moriarty. With a case that would have puzzled even Sherlock himself, The Brothers of Baker Street is sure to please mystery fans, whatever their address.

MICHAEL ROBERTSON works for a large company with branches in the United States and England. His first novel in this series, The Baker Street Letters, has been optioned by Warner Bros. for television. He lives in San Clemente, California.

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