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Ever since the magic mirror erased his memory, my brother, Jonah, doesn't believe that we really visit different fairy tales. So it's a relief when the mirror sucks us into a story -- and this time, it's Beauty and the BeastHoorah Or, maybe not. When Jonah picks a rose from the Beast's garden, he messes up the story. The Beast is so angry he takes my brother prisoner... instead of Beauty But if the Beast doesn't meet and fall in love with Beauty, then his curse will never be lifted and Jonah will be trapped in the palace forever Now I have to: - Find Beauty - Deal with a wicked fairy named Jax- Restore Jonah's memory- Play matchmakerIf I don't fix this mess in time, the situation could get pretty ugly...

Sarah Mlynowski is the New York Times bestselling author of the Whatever After series, the Magic in Manhattan series, Gimme a Call, and a bunch of other books for tweens and teens, including the Upside-Down Magic series, which she is cowriting with Lauren Myracle and Emily Jenkins. Originally from Montreal, Sarah now lives in the kingdom of Manhattan with her very own prince charming and their fairy-tale-loving daughters. Visit Sarah online at and find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at @sarahmlynowski.

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