美式黃色校車是美國學童上下學最主要的交通工具,在【魔法校車系列】中,黃色的老校車卻成了一輛飛天遁地、上山下海的潛水艇、飛機,甚至是穿越北極圈的雪橇……,載著麻辣魔法女教師及其精怪頑皮的小學班級歷經一場又一場天翻地覆、驚心動魄又刺激精采的自然科學大探索! Ms. Frizzle's class is learning about the heart. They get in the Magic School Bus because they are going to see a movie. But they find themselves on a heart-pounding adventure!The bus ends up going through Keesha's circulatory system. The class travels through the bloodstream and learns about the heart's job and how it works with the lungs.Hop on the Magic School Bus and find out what's at the heart of it all!
美式黃色校車是美國學童上下學最主要的交通工具,在【魔法校車系列】中,黃色的老校車卻成了一輛飛天遁地、上山下海的潛水艇、飛機,甚至是穿越北極圈的雪橇……,載著麻辣魔法女教師及其精怪頑皮的小學班級歷經一場又一場天翻地覆、驚心動魄又刺激精采的自然科學大探索! Ms. Frizzle's class is learning about the heart. They get in the Magic School Bus because they are going to see a movie. But they find themselves on a heart-pounding adventure!The bus ends up going through Keesha's circulatory system. The class travels through the bloodstream and learns about the heart's job and how it works with the lungs.Hop on the Magic School Bus and find out what's at the heart of it all!