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I'm a good friend! /

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Engaging stories that help teach children to be the best person they can be! The Best Me I Can Be is a wonderful collection of 10 books and an audio CD. Readers will learn about values such as how to be a good friend and how to stand up for themselves as they read along. 1. I Accept You As You Are! This book is about accepting differences in people. Recognizing and accepting that there are differences among their peers is an important step for children at this stage of development. Trying to embrace these differences without losing their own sense of self is an essential concept addressed in this book. 2. I Am a Leader! This book is about being a leader. In today's ever-changing world, leadership and the role of the leader are very important. Any one of us can be a leader. We can all inspire, support, model, and hope for something better. These abilities are learned and children can learn to be leaders at a young age. 3. I Am Creative! This book is about being creative. Creativity lets you think of things in a way that no one can have realized before. This can lead to effective ways of solving problems or developing new ways to improve an exsiting situation. It can also be lots of fun! Creativity shows our uniqueness. Each child has creative potential that should be recognized and nurtured. 4. I Am Positive! This book is about making each day the best ever. Choosing to look on the positive side of things takes practice. Help your child realize that each individual has a choice as to how to response to the day's events. The thoughts and actions that your child has can change a mediocre day into a great one for your child and others as well. 5. I Can Cooperate! This book is about cooperation. As adults, we know that we all have tasks to do to make things run smoothly. This concept does not come easily to young children. Placing blame on someone else when something isn't done or goes wrong is easy to do at this developmental level. The goal of this book is to help children understand that they have responsbilities and that it is up to them to perform them. 6. I Can Listen! This book is about listening. There are many things in the environment that can be instruct and guide your child. Learning to pay attention to words and sounds takes practice. Being able to follow directions can lead to greater success for your child and to doing the best that your child can do. 7. I Can Share! This book is about sharing. Sharing can be diffcult for youung children to do. It takes a great deal of practice to become comfortable with it. The feeling that is associated with true sharing is a special one and takes time to develop. That feeling is one that will need to be identified and learned by the young reader. 8. I Can Try New Things! This book is about trying new things, which can be scary at first. Recognizing and acknowledging this feeling is important. When your child tries something new it's a reason to celebrate. This is a great way to help your child develop a strong sense of self-esteem. 9. I'm a Good Friend! This book is about friendship. As adults, we know that friendship is a give-and-take interaction. This book models for children active ways of doing for each other in the friendship relationship. 10. I'm in Charge of Me! This book is about self-control. Self-control, in a general sense, is a choice. Making choices puts children in charge of their own behavior instead of having someone else tell them the proper way to behave. When childeren are empowered to make self-control choices and begin to practice making them, they start to see the positive effect these choices have on how others see them and, most important, how they see themselves in the world.商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
