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Till death do us bark /

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When a dog arrives at Spence Mansion, Seymour is overjoyed. His adoptive parents, Ignatius B. Grumply and Olive C. Spence, are less enthusiastic--especially when Secret, the dog, begins barking all night long. Is it possible Secret just misses his old companion, the late Noah Breth, whose children are fighting like cats and dogs over their father's money? Or does Secret have a secret that, in the end, will make the entire town of Ghastly howl with delight? This third book in the 43 Old Cemetery Road series, a runaway mystery told in letters, limericks, a last will, and loose change, is guaranteed to please anyone who's ever tried to keep a secret.

Kate Klise and M. Sarah Klise are known for creating well-loved graphically illustrated novels for children. They’ve also collaborated on picture books and middle grade novels. Kate is a correspondent for People magazine in Norwood, Missouri. Sarah is an art teacher in Berkeley, California. Visit their website at www.kateandsarahklise.com.
