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The lion & the mouse : a fable by Aesop /

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得獎無數的繪本作家傑瑞.平克尼(Jerry Pinkney),在這本令人驚豔的無字書中,重新詮釋了一個深受世人喜愛的「伊索寓言」故事——《獅子與老鼠》。在他的畫筆底下,一頁頁生動傳神的動物姿態與細膩表情,讓這本只有圖片的《獅子與老鼠》成為新經典的典範。一頭獅子,一隻老鼠,一強一弱,但因著獅子的一個善念放走老鼠,遂扭轉了傳統的刻板印象。原是強者的獅子,因著掉入陷阱裡反成為弱者;原是弱者的老鼠,在緊要關頭反而成為有拯救別人性命的強者。獅子和老鼠本來應在食物鏈的兩端,但在這個故事裡卻成為了站在彼此身邊的朋友。此故事除傳遞了「勿以善小而不為」的道德意義,同時也破除了二元對立的思想。【文∕博客來外文館】

  ★ 美國凱迪克大獎金牌獎
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  ★ 美國圖書館協會《書單》雜誌編輯選書
  ★ 美國圖書館協會推薦童書
  This Aesop's fable is a favorite and familiar one: a mouse inadvertently disturbs a lion, who lets the mouse go ... and is later himself freed by the mouse from a poacher's trap. Jerry Pinkney's jaw-droppingly gorgeous new wordless treatment is irresistible, its wealth of visual detail offering huge scope for the pages to be turned and the story retold over and over again. Spectacular.


  Jerry Pinkney is one of today's best-loved children's book makers. Over his 40-year career as an illustrator, he has received five Caldecott Honors and won the Coretta Scott King Award five times, as well as being nominated for the prestigious international Hans Christian Andersen Award. He lives in New York with his wife, the author Gloria Jean Pinkney.
