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Global issues : selections from CQ researcher.

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Written by CQ Researcher journalists, the 16 reports in this volume explore specific global issues related to conflict, security, and terrorism, including the North Korea showdown, US military readiness, the cyberwarfare threat, China and the South China Sea, US-Iran relations, and US-Russia relations; the international political economy, including democracies under stress, the future of the European Union, problems in Brazil, the new space race, stolen antiquities, and reforming the United Nations; religious and human rights, including foreign aid and anti-Semitism; and the environmental issues of climate change and national security and pandemics. Articles outline key concepts, competing perspectives by outside specialists, key debates, the history of the issue, contemporary policy issues, legislation, and action being taken, and the outlook for new regulations, court rulings, and possible policy initiatives. They include chronologies and sidebars on related issues. Annotation ©2018 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (

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