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收錄迪士尼10個經典公主系列童話故事,包含白雪公主、小美人魚、美女與野獸及灰姑娘等。讓孩子跟著白雪公主一起住進森林、隨著愛麗兒一起探索人類世界、隨著貝兒一起感受野獸溫柔善良的心,喜愛迪士尼的您絕對不能錯過!每本16頁,86張貼紙。Disney Reading Adventures is a curriculum-based, leveled reading program that offers children the support and guidance they need as they progress on the reading continuum from emergent readers to independent readers who read for meaning. Thoughtfully crafted and engaging stories contain key features that develop children's reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. The stories are highly predictable with repetitive sentence structures and easy-to-read sight words designed to inspire a sense of mastery and confidence. Includes ten, 16-page books, 86 stickers, parent letter, and achievement certificate.
Key Selling Points
SOUND PEDAGOGY: Developed by educational experts and literacy consultants, this boxed set of Level 1 readers offers children the support and guidance they need by including stories that:
contain familiar topics close to a young child's worldcontain predictable stories with easy-to-follow beginnings, middles, and endingscontain repetitive words, phrases, or patternshave a strong picture-text matchhave illustrations that fully support meaninghave a consistent layout of print and pictures
PROGRESSIVE LEARN-TO-READ SKILL-BUILDING PROGRAM: This boxed set contains ten stories that are thoughtfully crafted to support beginning readers' developing reading, comprehension, and vocabulary skills and help inspire a sense of mastery and confidence.
ENGAGING STORIES: Each story in the series touches upon themes and concepts familiar to a child's world and empowers the reader to think strategically about their reading with confidence and enthusiasm. Stories in the series bring forth the Disney Difference: delightful stories and engaging illustrations designed to inspire a lifelong love of reading.商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準

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