阮越清Viet Thanh Nguyen
美國小説家,目前在南加州大學教授英美研究與民族性。1971年出生於越南邦美蜀市,西貢淪陷那年與家人逃至美國,先是在賓州定居,後搬遷至加州,現居洛杉磯。著有小說《同情者》、《流亡者》(The Refugees,暫譯,馬可孛羅預計2018年暑假出版)。作者網站:vietnguyen.info/
Viet Thanh Nguyen was born in Vietnam and raised in America. He is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the academic books Race and Resistance and Nothing Ever Dies. He is a cultural critic-at-large for the Los Angeles Times and teaches English and American Studies and Ethnicity at the University of Southern California. He lives in Los Angeles.