The Economist 2021
National Geographic
Time 2020-2021
Junior Scholastic : the current events magazine
To kill a mockingbird /
Great writing(4) : Great essays /
Fundamentals of English grammar teacher's guide
The Titanic, lost-- and found /
漫畫大英百科 : 歷史 = Britannica. 2, 歷史人物
The ESL/ELL teacher's survival guide : ready-to-use strategies, tools, and activities for teaching English language learners of all levels /
The Skeptical inquirer
TED talks : the official TED guide to public speaking /
Great writing(1) : great sentences for great paragraphs /
Barron's SAT writing workbook /
漫畫大英百科 : 文明文化 = Britannica. 2, 人類文化
Three great plays of Shakespeare
Test Bank for Fundamentals of English Grammar
漫畫大英百科 : 地理 = Britannica. 2, 西亞和大洋洲
Holt elements of literature. Third course [Teacher's ed.] /