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  台灣大學外文教授 蔡秀枝 專文導讀

   十八世紀英格蘭北部的約克郡,咆哮山莊的老主人恩蕭先生在一次商旅中,帶回一個身分不明的吉普賽男孩,並且收養了他。恩蕭先生替小男孩取名希斯克里夫, 對他寵愛有加;引發了恩蕭長子辛德利對希斯克里夫的不滿與仇視。當辛德利繼承了咆哮山莊後,為了報復被奪去的父愛,他將希斯克里夫貶為僕人。可是妹妹凱瑟 琳卻和希斯克里夫逐漸發展出曖昧的情感。



  * 本書中譯本>由商周出版出版

  One wild, snowy night on the Yorkshire moors, a gentleman asks about Wuthering Heights, the remote farmhouse inhabited by his mysterious landlord. He is told about the tragic romance of the beautiful, headstrong Cathy and the orphan Heathcliff, who - although desperately in love her - is rejected in favour of a rich suitor. But Cathy cannot forget him, and he develops a lust for revenge that will take over his life as he attempts to win her back, and to destroy everyone, and everything, he considers responsible for his loss.

  One of the great novels of the nineteenth century, Emily Brontë's haunting tale of passion and greed remains unsurpassed in its depiction of destructive love.

  This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Wuthering Heights features an afterword by David Pinching.

  Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

艾蜜莉‧布朗忒 Emily Brontë1818–1848

  艾蜜莉出生於英國約克郡,父親是牧 師,她是英國文壇著名的布朗忒三姊妹之一。她的教育一部分來自教會學校,17歲時也跟隨姊姊夏洛特(《簡‧愛》的作者)進入一所女校就讀,但她最主要還是 靠在家自學。艾蜜莉才智過人,在家自學德文之外,也接觸許多當代文學薰陶。布朗忒三姊妹從小便經常一同創作,後來三人以男性化名共同出版了詩集,三姊妹在 文壇上逐漸累積名聲。1847年,艾蜜莉以化名「埃里斯‧貝爾」出版了《嘯風山莊》,不料隔年就因病過世,享年僅僅30歲。1850年,夏洛特整理妹妹的 書稿,重新出版《嘯風山莊》,才在書封印上艾蜜莉的本名,而她這本唯一的小說直至今日都是英國文學的經典之作,甚至有逐漸超越《簡‧愛》之勢。

  Emily Brontë was born in 1818, the daughter of a curate and sister to fellow novelists Charlotte and Anne. She was the most enigmatic of the three famous siblings but found life away from the Haworth parsonage that they called home extremely hard. After some time as a teacher at a school near Halifax, homesickness drew her back to the moors and the life of a reclusive author. It was there, in 1848, that she died of tuberculosis just months after her brother Branwell. Hardly any of her papers survive and her reputation is based on a few surviving poems and one novel, Wuthering Heights.

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