This charming series gives young readers the chance to discover the magic of Shakespeare for themselves. ???en_US.webpac.bookDescSource???:三民網路書店
Julius caesar /
The taming of the ...
The merchant of ve ...
King lear /
Richard III /
Othello /
As you like it /
Antony and Cleopat ...
Twelfth night /
Romeo and Juliet ...
Henry V /
The magic finger /
媽媽的座頭鯨 /
跟著媽祖遊明朝 /
The real McCoy and other ghost stories /
Mutiny on the bounty /
少年鱷魚幫 /
Free throw /
孤雛淚 /
孩子,要相信自己 : 先別急著當傻瓜 /
白楊林裡的房子 /
波普先生的企鵝 /
柑橘與檸檬啊! /
傻狗溫迪客 /
The seals that wouldn't swim /
荒野機器人 /
阿國在蘇花公路上騎單車 /
都是泰洛普老師 /
The magic paintbrush /
走在山海河間的沉思 /
天鵝的喇叭 /