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The science of flight : the air-amazing truth about planes and helicopters /

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Discover planes that can fly faster than the speed of sound The Science of Engineering series feature different forms of architecture and transport engineering. Features include funny and interesting illustrations; real-world science examples; side panels to tackle complex subject matter in a fun and relevant way; detailed glossary and more. This book explores how our understanding of the science of flight has improved, creating aircraft that are bigger and faster than the Wright brothers ever dreamed of. It covers helicopters, jet-planes, rocket-planes, planes big enough to carry hundreds of people, planes that can fly faster than the speed of sound, and even flying machines small enough to strap on your back.

Ian Graham is a highly experienced author having written over 180 illustrated non-fiction books and contributed to many articles for magazines. After completing a BSc. in applied physics he took a postgraduate diploma in Journalism at City University, London. He began work as an editor before setting up a freelance business writing and editing, this included editing the magazine Space Voyager. Ian now lives in Norfolk in the U.K.
