野獸找到了一頓「大餐」,可是這頓「大餐」實在很不想被吃掉…… 當一隻心軟的野獸遇上一個機靈的小男孩, 會迸出什麼樣意料之外的有趣故事呢?
★ 趣味互動設計:書中包含可抽出打開閱讀的實體信,為閱讀增添更多樂趣!
《Beast Feast》的故事是關於一個聰明的小男孩,以及一隻心軟的野獸,還有一堆等待拆封的信……。
曾以《我的好朋友黑漆漆》(Orion and the Dark)獲得亞馬遜書店最佳年度繪本的作者艾瑪.亞略特(Emma Yarlett),作品風格詼諧有趣,擅長以各種拼貼手法創作出明亮豐富的有趣視覺畫面,深受大人小孩讀者喜愛。(文 / 博客來編譯)
A charming story about a quick-thinking child and a soft-hearted beast, with letters to open.
Beast has found a tasty dinner, and he's written to all his friends to invite them to a feast. Unfortunately, Dinner is a child who very much does not want to be eaten. As Beast's friends send their instructions for cooking Dinner, is there any way Dinner can convince Beast to change his menu? A vibrant and charming interactive book with hilarious letters to open.