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Introductory analysis : an inquiry approach /

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John Ross is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Southwestern University. He earned his Ph.D. and M.A. in Mathematics from Johns Hopkins University, and his B.A. in Mathematics from St. Mary’s College of Maryland. His research is in geometric analysis, answering questions about manifolds that arise under curvature flows. He enjoys overseeing undergraduate research, teaching in an inquiry-based format, biking to work, and hiking in Central Texas.Kendall Richards is a Professor of Mathematics at Southwestern University. He earned his B.S. and M.A. in Mathematics from Eastern New Mexico University and his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Texas Tech University. He is inspired by working with students and the process of learning. His research pursuits have included questions involving special functions, inequalities, and complex analysis. He also enjoys long walks and a strong cup of coffee.
