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  ◎紐伯瑞獎金牌獎(Newbery Medal)  ◎英國讀書協會獎(United Kingdom Reading Association)  ◎童書精選獎(Children’s Book Award)  ◎長篇小說類得獎者  ◎優良圖書獎(Smarties Book Prize)  ◎史密斯精選圖書獎(W H Smith Mind Boggling Books Award)。

In her own singularly beautiful style, Newbery Medal winner Sharon Creech intricately weaves together two tales, one funny, one bittersweet, to create a heartwarming, compelling, and utterly moving story of love, loss, and the complexity of human emotion.
Thirteen-year-old Salamanca Tree Hiddle, proud of her country roots and the "Indian-ness in her blood," travels from Ohio to Idaho with her eccentric grandparents. Along the way, she tells them of the story of Phoebe Winterbottom, who received mysterious messages, who met a "potential lunatic," and whose mother disappeared.
As Sal entertains her grandparents with Phoebe's outrageous story, her own story begins to unfold--the story of a thirteen-year-old girl whose only wish is to be reunited with her missing mother.

莎朗.克里奇 (Sharon Creech)
  莎朗的第一本兒童著作《Absolutely Normal Chaos》(完全正常的混亂)是根據她那「紛擾又哄鬧」的家庭成長經驗而寫成。而第二部作品《印地安人的麂皮靴》榮獲紐伯瑞獎(Newbery Medal)金牌獎、United Kingdom Reading Association(英國讀書協會獎)、Children’s Book Award(童書精選獎)長篇小說類得獎者、Smarties Book Prize(優良圖書獎)入圍最有希望候選人名單及W H Smith Mind Boggling Books Award(史密斯精選圖書獎)。
  承接《印地安人的麂皮靴》佳績,莎朗出版了另一本少年小說《少女蘇菲的航海故事》(The Wanderer)亦獲得2001年「紐伯瑞獎銀牌獎」(A Newbery Honor Book)等多項大獎肯定。
  Sharon Creech is the author of the Newbery Medal winner Walk Two Moons and the Newbery Honor Book The Wanderer. Her other work includes the novels Hate That Cat, The Castle Corona, Replay, Heartbeat, Granny Torrelli Makes Soup, Ruby Holler, Love That Dog, Bloomability, Absolutely Normal Chaos, Chasing Redbird, and Pleasing the Ghost, as well as three picture books: A Fine, Fine School; Fishing in the Air; and Who's That Baby? Ms. Creech and her husband live in upstate New York.
