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An Enola Holmes Mystery (2) : The case of the left-handed lady : an Enola Holmes mystery /

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  ★ 想像創意的故事設定:擁有家族天賦的少女從尋找母親開始,走出屬於自己的偵探之路,以女孩的角度詮釋「推理」、「冒險」及「親情」。
  ★ 經典與現代的新生命:透過艾諾拉的角度,故事巧妙地結合永恆的「福爾摩斯」探案與渴望獨立自主的現代主題,以及青少年的懵懂成長,是經典的再進化!
  ★ 顛覆傳統的少女思維:既有復古的英式風情,同時也呈現傳統社會對女孩的限制與刻板想法,能夠感同身受艾諾拉追求自由的堅強意志。
  ——中文書介摘錄自《天才少女福爾摩斯 2:左撇子女孩》,三采出版
Sherlock Holmes's sister, Enola, is back on another case
Enola Holmes is being hunted by the world's most famous detective?her own brother, Sherlock Holmes. But while she is on the run in the world's biggest, darkest, dirtiest city, she discovers a hidden cache of charcoal drawings and feels as if she is a soul mate to the girl who drew them. But that girl, Lady Cecily, has disappeared without a trace. Braving the midnight streets, Enola must unravel the clues to find this left-handed lady, but in order to save her, Enola risks revealing more than she should. Will she be able to keep her identity a secret and find Lady Cecily, or will the one thing she is trying to save?her freedom?be lost forever?

Nancy Springer has published forty novels for adults, young adults and children. In a career beginning shortly after she graduated from Gettysburg College in 1970, Springer wrote for ten years in the imaginary realms of mythological fantasy, then ventured on contemporary fantasy, magical realism, and women’s fiction before turning her attention to children’s literature. Her novels and stories for middle-grade and young adults range from contemporary realism, mystery/crime, and fantasy to her critically acclaimed novels based on the Arthurian mythos, I AM MORDRED: A TALE OF CAMELOT and I AM MORGAN LE FAY. Springer’s children’s books have won her two Edgar Allan Poe awards, a Carolyn W. Field award, various Children’s Choice honors and numerous ALA Best Book listings. Her most recent series include the Tales of Rowan Hood, featuring Robin Hood’s daughter, and the Enola Holmes mysteries, starring the much younger sister of Sherlock Holmes.
Ms. Springer lives in East Berlin, Pennsylvania.

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