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  楊麗莎(Liza Yang)在朋友眼裡近乎完美,不只外表出色、天資聰穎還善解人意,而且敢於冒險,對挑戰絲毫不畏懼。但在媽媽眼中,麗莎和姊姊相比,就是個叛逆的孩子,固執己見,不斷挑戰楊媽媽的傳統底線,尤其愛情觀念更是入不了媽媽的眼裡。
  詹姆(James Wong)的憂鬱與魅力,迷惑了麗莎的雙眼,讓麗莎越來越難以忽視他的存在。糾結於自我的真實情感,同時努力爭取母親的認同,麗莎百般掙扎,但愛情從來不是這麼回事……

  For fans of Jenny Han, Jane Austen, and The Great British Baking Show, A Taste for Love, is a delicious rom com about first love, familial expectations, and making the perfect bao.

  To her friends, high school senior Liza Yang is nearly perfect. Smart, kind, and pretty, she dreams big and never shies away from a challenge. But to her mom, Liza is anything but. Compared to her older sister Jeannie, Liza is stubborn, rebellious, and worst of all, determined to push back against all of Mrs. Yang's traditional values, especially when it comes to dating.

  The one thing mother and daughter do agree on is their love of baking. Mrs. Yang is the owner of Houston's popular Yin & Yang Bakery. With college just around the corner, Liza agrees to help out at the bakery's annual junior competition to prove to her mom that she's more than her rebellious tendencies once and for all. But when Liza arrives on the first day of the bake-off, she realizes there's a catch: all of the contestants are young Asian American men her mother has handpicked for Liza to date.

  The bachelorette situation Liza has found herself in is made even worse when she happens to be grudgingly attracted to one of the contestants; the stoic, impenetrable, annoyingly hot James Wong. As she battles against her feelings for James, and for her mother's approval, Liza begins to realize there's no tried and true recipe for love.

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