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A deliciously funny book about identity and being confident in your own skin--featuring the world's most popular superfood, the avocado Avocado is feeling just fine in the produce section at the supermarket until a young customer asks a difficult question: "Is an avocado a fruit or a vegetable?" Avocado doesn't know the answer either, and the question won't seem to go away Soon, avocado is in the midst of a full-on identity crisis. Children will laugh along as Avocado hunts for answers in each aisle of the grocery store, chatting with fish, cans of beans, sausages, and finally a tomato, who confides to Avocado that he doesn't know what HE is either, adding "And. I. Don't. Care." With cool, vivid artwork and a funny twist on every page, here is a story that celebrates individuality and fluidity, letting children know they are perfect just as they are and however they choose to express themselves.

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