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The undisputed guide to pro basketball history

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In fall 2008, the blogging collective known as FreeDarko produced The Macrophenomenal Pro Basketball Almanac, generating endless buzz and rave reviews. Their unpredictable yet astute observations about contemporary basketball, coupled with truly stunning illustrations, made for a funny and irrepressibly stylish book on the NBA.Yet the almanac was really just the beginning, and this inimitable collective returns with a bigger scope, deeper research, and renewed passion as they take on the whole of pro basketball history. Here we'll see the full evolution of the league: from the Celtics of Red Auerbach (compared by FreeDarko to the filmmaker John Cassavetes) clear through to the years of Frazier, Jordan, Iverson, and LeBron and Kobe. Of course, it's more than simply a history. In these pages we'll also see a taxonomy of every fight in NBA history, the relationship between Wilt Chamberlain's scoring and the atom bomb, and a feature known as the Mustache Index.The Undisputed Guide to Pro Basketball History is not only satiric and ingenious but an erudite and perspicacious history of the game. Complete with an appendix of obscure but telling statistics, this book is a must-have for fans, or anyone else lucky enough to lay eyes on it.

FreeDarko is a collective of like-minded writers and artists (Bethlehem Shoals, Jacob Weinstein, Dr. Lawyer IndianChief, Silverbird 5000, and Brown Recluse, Esq.,) who gather to celebrate (and take down) the National Basketball Association. For their new book, they will be joined by Tom Ziller, Eric Freeman, Joey Litman, J. Gabriel Boylan, author Pasha Malla and SLAM editor Lang Whitaker. Shoals, the chief operative of FreeDarko, has written for Slate, McSweeney's, the Nation, and SLAM. He is a regular contributor at AOL's NBA Fanhouse.

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