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Learn the sugar, spice, and science behind your favorite candies in this fact-tastic nonfiction Level 3 Ready-to-Read, part of a series about the science of fun stuff Did you know there is a lot of science behind making candy? How about that "Red Hots" candies get their heat from a chemical called capsaicin--the same molecule that gives peppers their kick? And when you crunch on Wintergreen Lifesavers, they spark because you are making light with friction similar to the electricity in lightning: You might say you are making a miniature lightning storm in your mouth Learn about these cool chemical reactions and much more as you become a Science of Fun Stuff Expert on candy Amaze your friends with all you've learned in this engaging, fact-filled Level 3 Ready-to-Read A special section at the back of the book includes Common Core-vetted extras on subjects like social studies and math, and there's even a fun quiz so readers can test themselves to see what they've learned Learning science has never been so much fun

Ellie O’Ryan loves chocolate almost as much as she loves writing books for kids. She is the author of more than 300 books for children and has a secret chocolate stash hidden in her office for late-night writing sessions. Ellie lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids, three cats, and one dog. Rob McClurkan is an illustrator and author whose imagination is fueled by a healthy dose of Saturday morning cartoons and Sunday funnies. He lives with his family just outside Atlanta, Georgia. To see more of Rob’s work, visit

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