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On a narrow strip of beach in Trinidad, a mother sea turtle comes to shore to dig her nest and deposit her eggs. The odds are against the hatchlings. Wild dogs, the rising tide, and other digging sea turtles could destroy the eggs before they hatch. The remaining baby sea turtles will scramble to the water as best they can - taking their first steps on a long and dangerous journey to maturity. Original color photographs taken in the wildSimple, informative storiesIncludes a Did You Know? Section of interesting factsComplete with introduction, table of contents, and index for parents and teachersA fine introduction to nature for preschoolers and primary readers

Aubrey Lang and Dr. Wayne Lynch are a husband and wife writer/photographer team. Aubrey has spent the last eighteen years as a freelance writer and photographer. Wayne has been a fulltime science writer, and wildlife photographer for twenty-eight years. His images have been published in more than forty countries.

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