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Winner of a 2004 Caldecott Honour Award.
When the driver leaves the bus temporarily, he gives the reader just one instruction: "Don't let the pigeon drive the bus!" But, boy, that pigeon tries every trick in the book to get in that driving seat: he whines, wheedles, fibs and flatters. Will you let him drive? Told entirely in speech bubbles, this is a brilliantly original book.
"For a child, it's a delirious formula: all of a sudden, you're in charge of a bus... Well executed and so smartly layered." The New York Times"This picture book demands audience participation - Readers will identify with the pigeon themselves!" The BooksellerFor readers aged: 4+

Six-time Emmy Award Winner and Caldecott Honor recipient, Mo Willems, spent nine years as a script-writer and animator for "Sesame Street". With over 100 short films and television half-hours to his credit, Mo s distinctive animated films have been shown in festivals around the world and been translated into a myriad of languages. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and daughter.

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