This charming series gives young readers the chance to discover the magic of Shakespeare for themselves. ???en_US.webpac.bookDescSource???:
Julius caesar /
The taming of the ...
The merchant of ve ...
King lear /
Richard III /
Othello /
Much ado about not ...
As you like it /
Antony and Cleopat ...
Twelfth night /
Romeo and Juliet ...
其實我會怕 : 孤鳥鬥士蔣月惠的傳奇人生 /
Spangles McNasty and the tunnel of doom /
鋼鐵德國 /
瘋狂樹屋78層 : 誰是電影大明星? /
零下40度的勇氣 /
Designing authentic performance tasks and projects : tools for meaningful learning and assessment /
James and the giant peach /
成績單 /
科學玩很大. 2, 1週做1個生活實驗,煉出愛觀察、懂思考、勇於探索的科學腦!
向歷史人物學品格, / 慎獨篇
少年科學偵探CSI. (29) , .局勢逆轉勝
想念五月 /
小騎士特倫克 /
母親的金手錶 /
The boy, the bird, & the coffin maker /
替未來尋找一顆星 : 來自科展的故事 /
向歷史人物學品格, / 忠貞篇
The future of life on Earth /
Mummies and pyramids /